Boulder Oaks Ladies Golf: SWEEPS RESULTS



Mar 23: Cancelled due to rain.

Mar 30:  Best Nine: Winner was Sue Winje with a gross score of 86, and a Best Nine score of 20 Second Place Gayle Beasley game score 24 and Tied for Third: Pauly Schoolcraft and Dorothy Aleshire, (birdie putt on nine) game score 24.5.

Apr 06:  Low Net Aces: The winners are:  Pauly Schoolcraft finished first with a 65. June Boerrigter came in second with 68, and Donna Williams was third with 70.

Apr 14:  First and Last: Pauly Schoolcraft was first with a net 37 for the game. Jude Begell was second with a net 38.5 Nice birdie for Jude on number nine today and  Donna Williams was third with a net 38.5.

Apr 20: Least amount of putts: First place was Donna Williams with a 31, second place was Mary Jo Moore with 32 putts, and Ellen Koury was third with 33 putts.

This and that

From our Tournament Chairman: The Presidents Cup tournament had to be cancelled this year. We just didn’t have the numbers to play this tournament. We will continue to build the club and hope to get a three week commitment from more than four people for next year.

We have had some beautiful weather for golf. Come on out ladies and join us for some fun golf. The weather is good and the course is in excellent condition. Beautiful flowers. Hope to see you all soon.

Most improved player

Most Improved Golfer for the month of March is Elissa Hamilton. Her starting hdcp was 35.4 and ended with a hdcp of 32.3. Sandra Watkins came in second. Her starting hdcp was 22.8 and ended with a hdcp of 21.5. Congrats to Elissa and Sandra.