The Spring food Drive was a Great Success!
By Nancy Ogrod
Thank you, Hidden Meadows and RimRock. Over 875 pounds of food was collected during the March food drive for Interfaith. Donations included the usual cereals, pastas, PB&J, canned vegetables, canned meats, and canned fruits. In addition, there was fresh fruit and bags of rice and beans. Interfaith continues to serve an average of 200 hot meals a day and provides over 150 sack lunches to provide a second meal of the day for the homeless. This is in addition to the sacks of groceries for the families who request assistance- your donations will really help.

Residents were greeted by volunteers as they came by with cans, bottles and boxes of food. Thank you to Nancy Blake, Linda Kennedy, Phoebe Laine, Linda Shreve, Valerie Spearman, and Nancy Ogrod for volunteering their time.
If you did not have the opportunity to give food in March, it is never too late to take food or a monetary donation by the Escondido Interfaith facility. They are located at 550 West Washington Ave., at the corner of Washington Ave. and Quince St. Our next food drive will be the second Saturday in August. Thank you again for your generosity.