Sellers Faire October 14


The Sellers Faire for October ushers in Holiday Items for sale. Please bring your ornaments, gift paper, gift items and anything else you might have stored and want to sell. Your unwanted items might be treasures for someone else.
In addition, this is the last month for garage sale items. So don’t be shy, bring your “stuff” to sell. Make room in your storage spaces so you can fill the empty space with new stuff!
We will also have the drawing for a free pizza. September’s winner was Donna Hinke. She and her husband love the pizzas from the deli.
We welcome everyone who has items to sell. We are located in the golf course parking lot across from the Deli. Everyone gets one parking space; however, if you overflow a bit to the neighbor space it is OK.
Please bring your tables or whatever you need to display your merchandise. And remember, there is no charge for the event.
On another note, thank you everyone who donated a ball gown/cocktail dress for the Wounded Warrior Ball. I collected 86 gowns more than a dozen pair of shoes and assorted accessories. The wives and mothers get to pick first. They have such a great time “shopping” for the perfect dress. Then the wives of the helicopter pilots go next. What is left over, and there is not much, goes to the local thrift shop with the stipulation that the gowns not be sold, but given away. The ball is usually attended by about 1000 Warriors.
If you missed this year, please save your gowns for next year. My goal is to collect 150 gowns!
If you have questions about the Sellers Fair or Warriors Ball, please call Tania Orlova at 760 877-8777.