Median beautification project update


By Patrick Reilly, Chair of Community Beautification Committee

The planning phase for the Hidden Meadows median beautification project is under way and we are hoping to begin installation this October.  There is still a lot work to be to done, however, to make this project a reality.

The next step is to create a master plan for the project.  We are currently in the process of securing a landscape architect to assist us with that important guiding document.  Once our design plan is complete, we will need to apply for and receive an Encroachment Permit from the County of San Diego.  The County is the actual owner of the median property and we need its formal permission to landscape the area.

Our goal is to create an attractive and sustainable landscape on the two medians running down Mountain Meadow Road between the intersections with Hidden Meadows Road and Meadow Glen Way East.  Together these pieces of land are about a quarter of acre.

We are extremely grateful for the donations that have been made to the Hidden Meadows Community Foundation to support this work. Given the size of the project, it is likely that we will need to implement the plan in phases.  Our intent is to lay a great foundation with the funds we currently have available, and to add additional design elements through future fundraising efforts.

Currently assisting me on this Committee are residents Wendy Smith-Rogers and Al Nelson, and both share my commitment in this project.  We appreciate your patience as we work through the process. I can be contacted directly at if you can help our collaborative community effort in any way.

More information to come next month….