Garden Club News


The group spent an hour drawing and writing descriptions of their recommendations on provided plot plans.

By Lisa Lonsdale

On March 17th, a small group of 15 Club members met at the home of Judy and Don Dunn, who live on the high ridgeline, on Meadow Mesa Lane.  Judy and Don bought their home less than two years ago; the property features a hillside vineyard and a large landscaped yard.  The front yard is dominated by a large grassy expanse, which these days has very little appeal to homeowners wishing to keep their water bills to a mild roar.  Judy had heard that the club had performed what’s called a “Design Charrette” twice in the past for two other members and asked the club to consider including one for her property, on the 2017 events calendar.  The club obliged.

During a Charrette, the group brainstorms their own ideas of how they would change the subject area; in this case, the evil lawn.  The group spent an hour drawing and writing descriptions of their recommendations on provided plot plans.  Moving into the house to relax, each person presented their ideas to the Dunns and discussed the ideas and plant suggestions.  Participants in this process also gained valuable information that they can use for their own projects.  Hopefully, one or more of the ideas will strike a chord with the Dunn’s and motivate them to attack the project on their own or provide guidelines to a designer to help them.  We wish the Dunns the best of luck with this journey toward a more practical and pleasing space.

Afterwards, the group ate their bag lunches and enjoyed the expansive views of the mountains, from the second highest ridge in the Meadows.   Thanks to our hostess, Judy, for providing the drinks and a yummy, green St. Patrick’s cake and allowing us into their beautiful home.

On April 21st, the club will be touring the “Grand Traditions” property in Fallbrook.  On Sunday, May 7th, the club and the Foundation will hold a Community Garden Tour fundraiser.  See details in a separate article in this same paper.   For questions about either event, please contact Lisa at